At our January gatherings of Generations of Faith we looked at several New Testament bible stories in which Jesus revealed some things about himself. We also had an opportunity to see and study some images of Jesus.… Continue reading
During the Pope’s speech on January 8, he urged the crowd to remember their baptism.
“Many of us do not have the slightest memory of the celebration of this Sacrament, obviously, if we were baptized shortly after birth,” Francis said.… Continue reading
Sunday, December 22, is the 4th Sunday of Advent. Sometime before Christmas read the story of how Jesus’ birth came about. You’ll find it in the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke’s gospels. If you… Continue reading
During Advent we were asked to follow Pope Francis on Twitter. Type “Pope Francis Twitter” into your browser and then select Pope Francis Pontifex. Via Pope Francis’ Twitter page you have the option to browse his tweets, create… Continue reading
An Advent/Christmas Workshop takes place on the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, for children in grades K-3. This event is held in the Koch Hall immediately following the 9 am mass. Please call… Continue reading
Several generations of faith were present at our November gatherings. During our time together we talked about our own baptism and parents spoke with their children about the time the children were brought to church to be baptized.… Continue reading
The At-Home Faith Learning component is now available for those who were unable to attend the November Gatherings. Teens in Youth Ministry, who were not present and wish to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, … Continue reading
The November sessions of Generations of Faith are held prior to Advent, the beginning of the Church Year. At this time we begin a new focus ~ We follow the Lord Jesus !
This month we… Continue reading
Our November calendar has been sent to each household. It tells us the feasts the Church celebrates this month as well as the gospel readings for each Sunday.
You’ll find verses for the children to memorize as well… Continue reading