The answers for the crossword puzzle in VISIONS: January 10, 2021 are:
ACROSS: 1. blessings 3. Peace 5. Reconciliation 7. catholic 9. love 11. welcome 13. anoints 14. praise 16. initiate 17. sorry 18. Matrimony
DOWN: 1. bread 2. sacrament… Continue reading
The first reading for the last Sunday in Advent tells us the Savior will come from the house of David and his kingdom will endure forever.
“The LORD also reveals to youthat he will establish a house for you.And when… Continue reading
When Generations of Faith was first introduced to parishioners more than 14 years ago, it was our hope to create a learning environment that would not only teach the truths of the Catholic faith but also support families as faithful… Continue reading
Households come together in September to see how God continues to call us on our journey of faith. Welcome ! We look forward to seeing everyone !
Our catechetical initiative is called Generations of Faith, which offers opportunities for adults, children and teens to come together to grow in their friendship with Christ and learn about the Catholic faith.
Registration for Generations of Faith has begun.… Continue reading
Each week Jesus calls us as a community of faith to worship and pray together at Mass and to receive Him in Holy Communion. During the Easter Season twenty-five children from our parish family… Continue reading
Households that participate in Generations of Faith are invited to attend mass at 10 am or 12 noon on Sunday, February 3. Each of these masses will be celebrated in the parish center and at the end of… Continue reading
At some of the January sessions we heard – and saw enacted – a parable Jesus told about a banquet. The point of the parable is about having a change of heart in one’s life all… Continue reading
Earlier this month Pope Francis tweeted: The company of the saints helps us recognize that God never abandons us, so that we can live and bear witness to hope on this earth. At our October gatherings of… Continue reading
At the time of creation God called the world into being and called his people into a community. “I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God…” Exodus 6: 7… Continue reading