When Generations of Faith was first introduced to parishioners more than 14 years ago, it was our hope to create a learning environment that would not only teach the truths of the Catholic faith but also support families as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Since we first started, we have occasionally made adaptations to the structure of the sessions. Due to the pandemic, it becomes necessary to do this again.
Because the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) is central to our faith, we are going to use materials that focus on the Sunday gospel. They are age-appropriate and easy to use. We will provide the materials and options for their use.
Group gatherings have not been scheduled at this time. When it becomes safe and possible to have small group sessions, we will plan them. Parents can then decide if they would like to participate.
Children in Grades K – 8 will use Gospel Weeklies. The weeklies are age-appropriate, colorful leaflets that are used at home. They include the gospel for the week, stories and activities. We provide them for children in sets of 8. Each child also receives a small Catechism Handbook. Options will be provided for family-friendly use.
In addition, we plan to record short instructional sessions and post them to our YouTube channel. Families will be able to view these at any time.
Teens in High School
Teens beginning and continuing their journey towards Confirmation, will receive information before September.
Sacramental Preparation This preparation extends over a 2-year period. Families will receive information after the registration is received.
You can download a registration form by clicking here: Household Form