Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Spirit, is celebrated 50 days after Easter. This year Pentecost Sunday is May 20 and signals the end of Eastertime.
Who is the Holy Spirit ? The Holy Spirit is… Continue reading
“If we don’t teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.” Everything we do at St. Joseph Church points to our following Christ, everything.
If we follow Christ, we keep his… Continue reading
Showing compassion, mercy and forgiveness are characteristics of a follower of Jesus. At the March gatherings, small groups of people role-played various situations to show how these qualities can be applied to everyday life. By using the… Continue reading
Grace is God’s amazing gift to us. It is freely given and unmerited. During the January gatherings we looked at the story of Adam and Eve’s temptation and listened to the origin of the song, Amazing Grace.… Continue reading
We continue to look at stories from the Gospel of Mark at our Sunday morning sessions of Generations of Faith. We read about Bartimaeus, a blind man who sat by the side of the road begging. He… Continue reading
Advent is a time to prepare our hearts for the beautiful feast of Christmas !
When asked what a person has to do to get to heaven, Jesus responded with the Great Commandment. Then he was asked, “Who is my neighbor ?” It was then that Jesus told the parable of the… Continue reading
Our Catholic Practice for the year is reading the bible. Pope Francis encourages us to “Take It, Carry It with you and read it every day: it is Jesus Himself who is speaking to you…”
The Gospel… Continue reading
At our April Gatherings we studied the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders.
The celebration of these sacraments involves commitment & service. They involve promising, with God’s help, to serve & be there for others.
We… Continue reading