The AT-Home Faith Learning component is now available for those who were unable to attend the October 18, 19 or 20 Gatherings. Teens in Youth Ministry, who were not present and wish to be confirmed, must complete… Continue reading
Our gatherings this past year focused on the covenants God made with his people. During the October gatherings Fr. Steve explained the connection between Israel’s Exodus and the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the sign of… Continue reading
Our sessions of Generations of Faith are held on October 18, 19 and 20. We will be looking at the Final Covenant…Jesus! Fr. Steve reminds us that, “A river must be connected to its source or… Continue reading
At the gatherings of Generations of Faith this past weekend, we were asked to follow Pope Francis’ invitation to “step forward and meet Christ.” One way to do this is by practicing generosity.
As Catholics we follow the Lord, Jesus Christ ! Our faith gatherings this year are designed to help us strengthen our friendship with Jesus. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, continues to challenge and reassure us with these beautiful… Continue reading
Our bake sale was held on June 15 and 16 after all the parish masses. Thank you to all the bakers and shoppers !
We celebrate Pentecost 50 days after Easter ~ May 19! Households gathered on Saturday, May 11, to take a Self-Guided Tour with a focus on “The Holy Spirit in our Lives.” Sr. Janet gave several presentations on… Continue reading
The focus of our self-guided learning session in May was the Holy Spirit who came at Pentecost. A guidebook was given to families as they arrived.
Faith Learning-at-Home The Holy Spirit
All the Old Testament covenants were reviewed at the April gatherings after we completed our study of the covenant God made with King David. Our jeopardy game was lots of fun !
At our gatherings on April 12, 13 and 14 we’ll look at the promise God made with King David, the king “after God’s own heart.”