Children in our parish family will receive their First Holy Communion during the next few weeks. Having prepared well, they eagerly awaiting meeting Jesus in the Eucharist. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. We pray that… Continue reading
During our April gatherings people visited different stations in the “World of Jesus” where they were able to view a Seder table, hear music and the language Jesus spoke, sample foods and see clothing and architecture of the time period.… Continue reading
At our April gatherings we’ll be introduced to some of the places where Jesus lived and taught. By becoming more aware of the world of Jesus, we hope to be able to read the Scriptures with enriched understanding and therefore… Continue reading
March 21 to 22, eight teens and two young adults came together for our annual Catholic Relief Services Food Fast. CRS Food Fast is CRS’ hunger awareness experience for Catholic youth. By spending time in the shoes of… Continue reading
Fr. Steve reminds us that we celebrate, with great solemnity and special rites, the Resurrection of Our Lord on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil. The Paschal Candle is consecrated; the History of Salvation is proclaimed; Adults are baptized, confirmed… Continue reading