It’s Advent ! During the four weeks preceding the great celebration of Christmas, we are invited to prepare, to get ready and to make a place for the Lord in our lives and in our homes.
We prepare for anything that is important to us. A birthday party, Thanksgiving dinner at our home, the birth of a baby, a soccer game, a family trip… And so we prepare for Christmas by getting our hearts ready to welcome our savior, our creator, the one who loves us unconditionally, Jesus, the Son of God.
Advent is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it. The sounds of the season, the lights and music, the decorations, preparing surprises for friends and family, the quiet of the longer nights, baking treats, taking time to thank God for the gift of his Son and for all the gifts received during the year. And yes, the darkness and cold. It’s all part of the preparation and anticipation of the most beautiful Feast of Christmas.
Have a joy-filled Advent !
Sr. Geraldine