Our “Year” of study and reflection uses the church’s liturgical calendar. It begins with the First Sunday of Advent and ends with the Feast of Christ the King. So… we are at the end of the year ! During that time we responded to Pope Francis’ invitation to renew our commitment to be followers of Jesus Christ and we heard some questions put before us…
“Who do you say that I am?”
“What do you want me to do for you ?”
This month on October 17, 18 and 19 our attention turns to the Last Things. God wants us to spend Eternity in His Glory. He longs for us to share in His everlasting life and love.
Is my heart open to receiving His love and His grace ? Do I place Him at the center of my life ? I can choose to nurture a relationship with Him that will comfort me in this life and bring me into eternity OR I can choose not to have a relationship with Him and not feel the love and peace that He alone can give.