As Catholics we follow the Lord, Jesus Christ ! Our faith gatherings this year are designed to help us strengthen our friendship with Jesus. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, continues to challenge and reassure us with these beautiful… Continue reading
Our bake sale was held on June 15 and 16 after all the parish masses. Thank you to all the bakers and shoppers !
The focus of our self-guided learning session in May was the Holy Spirit who came at Pentecost. A guidebook was given to families as they arrived.
Faith Learning-at-Home The Holy Spirit
In March households gathered to study and learn about Moses’ journey of faith and the covenant God made with his people. God was forming a nation and giving them a code of conduct !
A special session took place on March 2 for children preparing to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Parents told the stories of the Wedding Feast at Cana and the Last Supper to their children. … Continue reading
During Moses’ lifetime, God calls him several times. At the March gatherings of Generations of Faith we will discover what happens to Moses and the Israelites.
Children in Grades 4 – 8 can download sets of study-cards:
“Noah walked with God.” At our January Gatherings of Generations of Faith we saw how God renewed his covenant with Noah. The rainbow is the covenant’s sign.
Children can go to the video section to… Continue reading
What really happened on the sixth day of creation ? A closer look was given to the Creation Stories, and the covenant God made with Adam and Eve. Do you remember the sign of this covenant ?