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Generations of Faith

Religious Education at St. Joseph Church

Welcome !  At St. Joseph Church  we are committed to following our Lord, Jesus Christ.  As a community of  faith, we have adopted an innovative approach to religious education called Generations of Faith.  With the strength that comes from our dependence on the Holy Spirit, we look forward to the year ahead. Your presence and participation at each of the sessions of Generations of Faith continues the rich legacy of faith that has been handed down from one generation to the next for more than 255 years.  

The gatherings for families with children in grades K-8 include time for prayer, teaching and family activities.   This year they are held on :         

  • Saturday Morning   This session starts at 9:30 am and concludes no later than 11 am.            
  • Sunday Morning          Families come together on a Sunday morning in the Parish Center at 10:20 am.  This session finishes no later than 11:45 am when we prepare for mass at 12 noon.
  • Monday Evening This session starts at  6:15 pm and ends no later than  7:45 pm.

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