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God’s Love for Us

Do we find it hard to accept that God loves us more than we can imagine ? Do we believe in his love ?

Holy Week is the holiest week of the church year. The events of this week give us time to reflect on God’s immeasurable love for each of us. His love is a personal love; there are no exceptions. Yet, somehow we think this love is for everyone but us. How can God love someone like me, a sinner ? And yet, that is why he came. He came for those who are not well…for those who need a physician.

On Good Friday we look at the cross and try to fathom the depths of God’s love. Jesus, the Son of God, made himself powerless and surrendered to the will of his Father. “Into your hands I commend my spirit.” The ultimate sacrifice, selfless love for me ! The best we can do is respond, Lord, I do believe, help my unbelief.”

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