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Are you ready for Advent ?

Advent begins on Sunday, November 29. Do you have your advent wreath ready ? Make a simple one at home.

Here’s what you need to make an Advent Wreath :

a wire wreath     12” is good.  Feeling creative ?  Make a sturdy circle frame out of cardboard or foamboard.

soft greenery garland  and decorative items

4 holders for the Advent candles

3 purple candles and 1 pink candle

ribbon to make a bow

ties for the greenery

glue gun

This wreath is simple to make. First, take the garland and place it around the wreath until it is completely covered. Use hot glue to hold it in place.

Next, make a bow for your wreath and secure it with a small dab of hot glue.

Using a little bit of floral wire or greenery ties, space out the candle holders as evenly in place as possible and secure in place.

Fill in empty areas of your wreath with decorative items. If needed use a little bit of hot glue to hold them in place.

Add the candles.  You’ve made a simple advent wreath.

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