Opportunities for Charitable Acts!
Eva’s Soup Kitchen
On Monday, August 6, St. Joseph High School Youth Ministry will be volunteering to serve lunch at Eva’s soup kitchen in Paterson from 10:45 am until 1:00 pm. We will meet at St. Joseph Church at 10:00 am and return approximately 1:30 pm. We are asking for 8 high school teens over the age of 15 to help us in this effort. If you are interested, please contact Camille at klugecamille@gmail.com. We will take the first 8 volunteers who respond.
Community Food Bank of NJ
St. Joseph Youth Ministry is organizing a trip to volunteer at the Community Food Bank of NJ in Hillside on Thursday, July 26 from 10:00 am until 12 noon. We will meet at St. Joseph Parish Center Parking lot at 8:45 am. We will return around 1:15 pm. This event is OPEN TO THE ENTIRE PARISH. Warehouse volunteers assist with a variety of tasks including • Sorting and repacking food items • Assembling our Family Packs and Senior boxes. • Packaging bulk product into family sized bags. Minimum volunteer age is 12 years old. If you are interested, please contact Camille at klugecamille@gmail.com.