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Join us February 20-21 for our 24 Hour Lenten Food Fast!

Where: St. Joseph Parish Center

When: 11:30 am Saturday February 20, 2016– 11:30 am Sunday February 21, 2016. (We will attend the 10:30 am mass together. After mass we will join together to break our fast with bagels, juice, and fruit.)

Who Can Attend? High school teens. There is a limit of 20 teens that can attend this event. The teens will not be allowed to leave the event until it is over.

What is it?

  • The food fast is designed to raise awareness among our youth of the poverty and hunger that our brothers and sisters in Christ face overseas.
  • During the fast we will learn about the issues causing this poverty and hunger, to pray, collect food for the St. Joseph Cares food pantry all while having fun!
  • Each participant is asked to raise a minimum of $25 to attend. Of course more is always welcome! Perhaps they can ask family members, friends and neighbors to sponsor them. No donation is too small. We would kindly ask that your teen bring the donations with them to the food fast. Money raised from the fast will be donated to Catholic Relief Service. To find out more about how CRS uses these funds please visit their website at
  • During our fast, the participants will be asked to refrain from eating with the exception of a meal of white rice and juice/water that will be served periodically throughout the fast. *

*Please note if your child has a medical issue where they can not fast in this way, we will be happy to modify the fast so that they can participate with us.

How Can Parents Help? We would ask that the parents consider helping us out during this fast. It can be for our ‘food scavenger hunt’ or as a chaperone during the day or an over night chaperone. We cannot do this without additional volunteers.

What Should Teens Bring to the Fast?

  • Sponsor Forms and Money.
  • Change of clothes, overnight toiletries and sleeping bag/pillow.
  • Unlike our retreats, your teen is invited to bring schoolwork with them to the fast. We will provide a quiet space for them to do their work.
  • We also encourage teens to bring board games and musical instruments.

Important forms for you to download, fill out and return. Please note the date these are due!

For those teens that need to attend ‘special events’ as part of youth ministry, this event counts as 2 special events.




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